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This site consists of a collection of technical tutorials, how-tos, examples, cheat-sheets, tips and tricks and snippets of code. Intermediate techies who want a fast, accurate, and straight forward answer.
Managing the change is Project Management. Different responsibilities for managing compared to BAU. Provision and control of technical resources on project. Meets the needs of the business. 4 major areas of project management focus on. The scope of the project.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Ritchie at Bell Labs, between 1969 and 1973. Successor of the B language, which was introduced around 1970. Basis of many other programming languages. Good to know before C.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. Direct descendant of C, which was introduced around 1973. Supports data abstraction and object oriented programming. Originally named C with Classes. Hugely successful and major influence on many other languages. This C essentials is starting from an assumed point that the user will already have a sound understanding of C.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Cascading Style Sheets provide the language used for describing the presentation aspects of an HTML document, i. Developed by World Wide Web Consortium. Initial release 17 December 1996. CSS2 released 12 May 1998. CSS21 released 7 June 2011.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. HTML is a markup language used by web browsers to render text, images and other media into web pages. Jan 2008 HTML 5, first draft.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Objects can be thought of as independent smaller self-contained mini programs that each have their own name, data and logic, and interact with one another to form a whole application.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Builds upon the foundation principles of PHP, and now follows on into the concept of Object Oriented Programming within PHP. It is assumed that you will already have a good understanding of the general OOP ideas and techniques, and the following material will therefore not go into the theory behind OOP but will focus upon how it is implemented within PHP.
To the point! Skip to primary content. Developed in 1995 by Brendan Eich at Netscape. The JavaScript statements tell the browser what to do.
To the point! Skip to primary content. This is in contrast to Procedu.
Мы позвоним вам в ближайшее время. 1 Выгодно вы платите только за сам продукт, доставку мы берем на себя. 3 Легко удобный подбор масел и спец жидкостей по марке авто или бренду автомасла. 7 Безопасно нам уже доверяют более 7364 клиентов.
To the point! Skip to primary content. This is in contrast to Procedu.
1989 - CCTA developed PRINCE as a UK Government standard for managing IT projects. 1996 - PRINCE2 released as a generic project management methodology. Became regularly applied outside pure IT, around the world. Updated to reflect newer business models.
To the point! Skip to primary content. HTML embedded, server side, scripting language. Similar syntax to C, Java, Perl. Can be ran from the command line! Does not need to be compiled. Requires PHP to be installed as a server service. php to let the server know that its dealing with a PHP file, and therefore needs interpreting. 1994 Rasmus Lerdof created Personal Home Page Tools, set of Perl scripts.